[jade-develop] Stateful Communication between agents‏
Khalfi el mehdi
2014-06-02 13:34:41 UTC
Hi list,

As i am reading articles about JADE and Web Services, i don't understand
the following statement :

"*This is because of the default single-threaded mode of JADE agent, and
the asynchronous and stateful nature of agent communication do not **fit
well in the current implementation stage of Web service communication model*

How agent communication is stateful ? Is it due to the presence of the AMS ?

Thank you for clarifying statefulness.

Thanks for your help.
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Caire Giovanni
2014-06-03 21:23:51 UTC

I?m not an expert in agent?s theory, but as far as I can understand, stateful communication means that which message to expect from another agent and how to reply to it depends on previously received messages. More simply agents are suited to carry out conversations that may involve the exchange of several messages. A typical example is the contract net protocol used to delegate a task to one of n agents potentially able to execute it:
- Initiator sends a CFP message to all responders.
- Each responder replies with either a PROPOSE or a REFUSE
- Initiator select the best proposal and replies to the selected agent with ACCEPT_PROPOSAL and to other proposers with a REJECT_PROPOSAL
- Finally the selected responder sends an INFORM to notify the initiator about the completion of the task.

In the above example, from the responder point of view, an incoming ACCEPT_PROPOSAL or REJECT_PROPOSAL would make no sense unless the ?state of the communication? is that a CFP was previously received and a PROPOSE was sent back.



Da: jade-develop-bounces at avalon.tilab.com [mailto:jade-develop-bounces at avalon.tilab.com] Per conto di Khalfi el mehdi
Inviato: luned? 2 giugno 2014 15:35
A: jade-develop at avalon.tilab.com
Oggetto: [jade-develop] Stateful Communication between agents?

Hi list,

As i am reading articles about JADE and Web Services, i don't understand the following statement :

"This is because of the default single-threaded mode of JADE agent, and the asynchronous and stateful nature of agent communication do not fit well in the current implementation stage of Web service communication model"

How agent communication is stateful ? Is it due to the presence of the AMS ?

Thank you for clarifying statefulness.

Thanks for your help.
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