[jade-develop] Mobile agent get form data
KyawThu Win
2014-08-18 09:17:07 UTC
I am now face a problem about getting web form information by mobile
agent. In my jsp based web program, i uses mobile agent to perform
some action at the client side. The actions are:
1) After the user filling up some necessary form information in a jsp
page, the user needs to revoke mobile agent program continue to
perform the remaining action. In this step, i want to get the filled
information by mobile agent. How to do it?
2) ​After the mobile agent action finished, the result needs also to
send to jsp page. How to do it?
Caire Giovanni
2014-08-20 12:42:53 UTC

The JSP runs inside a ServletContainer (e.g. Tomcat). Where does the agent run?
1) Does it run in the same Tomcat JVM i.e. in a container launched by the JSP itself by means of the JADE in-process interface?
2) Does it run in a container executed in a separated JVM possibly on a different host with respect to where Tomcat is running?

If you are in case 1, the JSP can easily communicate with the (local) agent by means of the ObjectToAgent (O2A) interface mechanism: look at the examples.O2AInterface.O2AInterfaceExample.java class included in the JADE examples distribution for an example. In this example the mechanism is shown from a Java main, but from a JSP is exactly the same. Data passing from JSP to agent and from agent to JSP occurs via normal method calls

If you are in case 2, the JSP can communicate with the (remote) agent by using the JadeGateway: look at the examples.inprocess.jadeGatewayExample.java class included in the JADE examples distribution for an example. Again in this example the mechanism is shown from a Java main, but from a JSP is exactly the same.



-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: jade-develop [mailto:jade-develop-bounces at avalon.tilab.com] Per conto di KyawThu Win
Inviato: lunedì 18 agosto 2014 11:17
A: jade-develop
Oggetto: [jade-develop] Mobile agent get form data

I am now face a problem about getting web form information by mobile agent. In my jsp based web program, i uses mobile agent to perform some action at the client side. The actions are:
1) After the user filling up some necessary form information in a jsp page, the user needs to revoke mobile agent program continue to perform the remaining action. In this step, i want to get the filled information by mobile agent. How to do it?
2) ​After the mobile agent action finished, the result needs also to send to jsp page. How to do it?
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