[jade-develop] R: Jade agents
Caire Giovanni
2014-05-15 14:52:51 UTC

This error happens since you did not include the commons-codec-1.3.jar library in your execution classpath (or among the libraries of your web-app if you are creating a web-app).



P.S. Next time I would ask you to post questions, comments and the like on the jade-develop mailing list and not to me directly

Da: Liz Flores [mailto:lizfg7 at gmail.com]
Inviato: mercoled? 14 maggio 2014 09:22
A: Caire Giovanni
Oggetto: Jade agents

Hi. I'm programming a web aplication using jade agents.

For the connection to the database I'm using a gateway agent because I couldn't do it directly with a created agent.
Anyway, when I send an object from a created agent to a gateway agent, I see the following error:

"ERROR!!! Missing support for Base64 conversions"

I have read the documentation, but It doesn't work. If someone can help me I'll appreciate it.

Best regards.

Liz Flores
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