[jade-develop] handleRequest of AchieveREResponder
andres marti
2013-12-10 17:26:10 UTC

I have a tricky doubt about the class AchieveREResponder. The documentation says that when the method "handleRequest" returns an AGREE message, the method "prepareResultNotification" is called later. I guess that the combined execution of these two methods is not atomic. Is is atomic?

I need to know it because, in my case, after replying with an AGREE message to the initiators, the method "prepareResultNotification" only can complete its work when other messages have been received, so that the combination of "handleRequest" and "prepareResultNotification" cannot behave as an atomic unit.

Any help is appreciated. Regards,

Andres Marti.
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Caire Giovanni
2013-12-12 14:06:23 UTC

No it is not atomic.



Da: jade-develop-bounces at avalon.tilab.com [mailto:jade-develop-bounces at avalon.tilab.com] Per conto di andres marti
Inviato: marted? 10 dicembre 2013 18:26
A: Jade Develop
Oggetto: [jade-develop] handleRequest of AchieveREResponder


I have a tricky doubt about the class AchieveREResponder. The documentation says that when the method "handleRequest" returns an AGREE message, the method "prepareResultNotification" is called later. I guess that the combined execution of these two methods is not atomic. Is is atomic?

I need to know it because, in my case, after replying with an AGREE message to the initiators, the method "prepareResultNotification" only can complete its work when other messages have been received, so that the combination of "handleRequest" and "prepareResultNotification" cannot behave as an atomic unit.

Any help is appreciated. Regards,

Andres Marti.
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Andre Cavalcante
2013-12-12 15:19:36 UTC

It is interesting subject: when prepareResultNotificarion is called? There
is time to other behaviours to be executed before?

Thanks for your attention.

2013/12/12 Caire Giovanni <giovanni.caire at telecomitalia.it>
Post by Caire Giovanni
No it is not atomic.
jade-develop-bounces at avalon.tilab.com] *Per conto di *andres marti
*Inviato:* marted? 10 dicembre 2013 18:26
*A:* Jade Develop
*Oggetto:* [jade-develop] handleRequest of AchieveREResponder
I have a tricky doubt about the class AchieveREResponder. The
documentation says that when the method "handleRequest" returns an AGREE
message, the method "prepareResultNotification" is called later. I guess
that the combined execution of these two methods is not atomic. Is is
I need to know it because, in my case, after replying with an AGREE
message to the initiators, the method "prepareResultNotification" only can
complete its work when other messages have been received, so that the
combination of "handleRequest" and "prepareResultNotification" cannot
behave as an atomic unit.
Any help is appreciated. Regards,
Andres Marti.
jade-develop mailing list
jade-develop at avalon.tilab.com
Andr? Cavalcante
Manaus, AM., Brasil

Ubuntu User number # 24370
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Caire Giovanni
2013-12-12 16:25:33 UTC

Yes there is. AchieveREResponder is an FSMBehaviour. The prepareResponse() and prepareResultNotification() methods are invoked within two different states --> If the agent has other behaviours, considering the cooperative-scheduling mechanism that regulates how behaviours are executed in an agent, such other behaviors have at least one chance to run between the two invocations.



Da: Andre Cavalcante [mailto:andre.d.cavalcante at gmail.com]
Inviato: gioved? 12 dicembre 2013 16:20
A: Caire Giovanni
Cc: Jade Develop
Oggetto: Re: [jade-develop] R: handleRequest of AchieveREResponder

It is interesting subject: when prepareResultNotificarion is called? There is time to other behaviours to be executed before?
Thanks for your attention.

2013/12/12 Caire Giovanni <giovanni.caire at telecomitalia.it<mailto:giovanni.caire at telecomitalia.it>>

No it is not atomic.



Da: jade-develop-bounces at avalon.tilab.com<mailto:jade-develop-bounces at avalon.tilab.com> [mailto:jade-develop-bounces at avalon.tilab.com<mailto:jade-develop-bounces at avalon.tilab.com>] Per conto di andres marti
Inviato: marted? 10 dicembre 2013 18:26
A: Jade Develop
Oggetto: [jade-develop] handleRequest of AchieveREResponder


I have a tricky doubt about the class AchieveREResponder. The documentation says that when the method "handleRequest" returns an AGREE message, the method "prepareResultNotification" is called later. I guess that the combined execution of these two methods is not atomic. Is is atomic?

I need to know it because, in my case, after replying with an AGREE message to the initiators, the method "prepareResultNotification" only can complete its work when other messages have been received, so that the combination of "handleRequest" and "prepareResultNotification" cannot behave as an atomic unit.

Any help is appreciated. Regards,

Andres Marti.

jade-develop mailing list
jade-develop at avalon.tilab.com<mailto:jade-develop at avalon.tilab.com>

Andr? Cavalcante
Manaus, AM., Brasil

Ubuntu User number # 24370
Quer saber sobre Open Source Software? http://sobreoss.blogspot.com<http://sobreoss.blogspot.com/>
Quer saber mais sobre Espiritismo? http://sobreespiritismo.blogspot.com<http://sobreespiritismo.blogspot.com/>

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Andre Cavalcante
2013-12-12 16:27:22 UTC
Ok. Thanks.

2013/12/12 Caire Giovanni <giovanni.caire at telecomitalia.it>
Post by Caire Giovanni
Yes there is. AchieveREResponder is an FSMBehaviour. The
prepareResponse() and prepareResultNotification() methods are invoked
within two different states ? If the agent has other behaviours,
considering the cooperative-scheduling mechanism that regulates how
behaviours are executed in an agent, such other behaviors have at least one
chance to run between the two invocations.
*Da:* Andre Cavalcante [mailto:andre.d.cavalcante at gmail.com]
*Inviato:* gioved? 12 dicembre 2013 16:20
*A:* Caire Giovanni
*Cc:* Jade Develop
*Oggetto:* Re: [jade-develop] R: handleRequest of AchieveREResponder
It is interesting subject: when prepareResultNotificarion is called? There
is time to other behaviours to be executed before?
Thanks for your attention.
2013/12/12 Caire Giovanni <giovanni.caire at telecomitalia.it>
No it is not atomic.
jade-develop-bounces at avalon.tilab.com] *Per conto di *andres marti
*Inviato:* marted? 10 dicembre 2013 18:26
*A:* Jade Develop
*Oggetto:* [jade-develop] handleRequest of AchieveREResponder
I have a tricky doubt about the class AchieveREResponder. The
documentation says that when the method "handleRequest" returns an AGREE
message, the method "prepareResultNotification" is called later. I guess
that the combined execution of these two methods is not atomic. Is is
I need to know it because, in my case, after replying with an AGREE
message to the initiators, the method "prepareResultNotification" only can
complete its work when other messages have been received, so that the
combination of "handleRequest" and "prepareResultNotification" cannot
behave as an atomic unit.
Any help is appreciated. Regards,
Andres Marti.
jade-develop mailing list
jade-develop at avalon.tilab.com
Andr? Cavalcante
Manaus, AM., Brasil
Ubuntu User number # 24370
Quer saber sobre Open Source Software? http://sobreoss.blogspot.com
Quer saber mais sobre Espiritismo? http://sobreespiritismo.blogspot.com
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Andr? Cavalcante
Manaus, AM., Brasil

Ubuntu User number # 24370
Quer saber sobre Open Source Software? http://sobreoss.blogspot.com
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