michael dibley
2009-05-13 04:05:40 UTC
Hi everyone
I am trying to connect two platforms; the second machine is behind a
router/firewall on a lan (p2). I have configured p2 with the following
java -classpath .\lib\JadeLeap.jar;.\lib\commons-codec\commons-codec-1.3.jar
jade.Boot -gui -name <p2-id> -host <ip_addr_p2>
-mtp jade.mtp.http.MessageTransportProtocol(http:// <ip_addr_p2> /acc)
i configured the router/firewall to pass through port 7778 for the mtp.
As a test I used the 'add remote platform' option on the AMS gui on the
first machine (p1), adding p2, but i get an error
(internal-error "Foreign agent unreachable: No valid address contained
within the AID ams@<p2-id>")))
There are several accounts describing the use of various command line
options such as -jade_http_mtp_proxyHost <hostName> -jade_http_mtp_proxyPort
<portNumber>, -jade_http_mtp_outPort <port number> etc but trying various
options i couldn't get it to work; i'm not sure of the precise usage.
It works the other way around i.e. on p2 i can add remote platform p1.
However the ip address of p1 is an 'exposed' internet address
Could anyone suggest documentation or idea i could try out please?
Best regards
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I am trying to connect two platforms; the second machine is behind a
router/firewall on a lan (p2). I have configured p2 with the following
java -classpath .\lib\JadeLeap.jar;.\lib\commons-codec\commons-codec-1.3.jar
jade.Boot -gui -name <p2-id> -host <ip_addr_p2>
-mtp jade.mtp.http.MessageTransportProtocol(http:// <ip_addr_p2> /acc)
i configured the router/firewall to pass through port 7778 for the mtp.
As a test I used the 'add remote platform' option on the AMS gui on the
first machine (p1), adding p2, but i get an error
(internal-error "Foreign agent unreachable: No valid address contained
within the AID ams@<p2-id>")))
There are several accounts describing the use of various command line
options such as -jade_http_mtp_proxyHost <hostName> -jade_http_mtp_proxyPort
<portNumber>, -jade_http_mtp_outPort <port number> etc but trying various
options i couldn't get it to work; i'm not sure of the precise usage.
It works the other way around i.e. on p2 i can add remote platform p1.
However the ip address of p1 is an 'exposed' internet address
Could anyone suggest documentation or idea i could try out please?
Best regards
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